Intensive Training on project management SIMPLE – Pescara, Itali, 25-26 July 2011

On July 25-26, 2011, the first meeting of the partners of project SIMPLE (Strengthening the Identity of Minority People Leads to Equality) was held in Pescara, Italy. The first activity of the project was an intensive training on the financial and methodological management of the project and the coordination on the start up of the activities for each partner organization.

SIMPLE aims to achieve social cohesion among Adriatic Countries through the strengthening of cultural diversity values, in order to improve the life quality and the attractiveness of the Adriatic Region.

CDI is a partner of project SIMPLE and is responsible among others for the coordination of the Permanent Adriatic Observatory for the elaboration for the guidelines on the enhancement of the minorities communities as an economic resource, supports the project for the establishment of the Agency for Multiethnic Economic Development, as well as will establish the communication platform of the project.

Project SIMPLE: Call for experts for the short list in the sector “Project management and administration”
September 30, 2011