This Business Charter is an output of the project SIMPLE (Strengthening the Identity of Minority People Leads to Equality), an innovative institutional cooperation and capacity building initiative that involves 5 Adriatic Countries, aimed at achieving social cohesion in the area through the strengthening of the cultural identities and diversity values of minority communities historically and recently established in Adriatic Countries.
The partners of the project SIMPLE have developed joint strategies and approaches in the Adriatic basin for the promotion of equality and non-discrimination culture, as basic values for the peaceful coexistence of all citizens, without any discrimination based on ethnic origin.
SIMPLE aims to improve the life conditions of minority people transforming the key-factors that nowadays are weakness and providing to public authorities, minority associations, NGOs and other local, regional and national stakeholder of Adriatic Countries guidelines and recommendations to arrange targeted services for addressing minorities’ disadvantages at local level.
The Business Charter is part of a set of 6 thematic documents produced and shared by the SIMPLE consortium that will be the operational tools to be promoted by the Adriatic Permanent Observatory on Minority Communities, which will be established within the project.
Each output is edited in a single document proposed in 6 languages (English, Croatian, Albanian, Italian, Montenegrin, and Slovenian), in order to favour the concrete comprehension and utilization by all the stakeholders of the project participating Countries.
The documents are available on request from national responsible partners. Info and contacts on the project website:
Tags: Education, Environment, Local Development, Society
On Gradual Integration: Bringing in WB6 peoples and territories
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