Round Table “Partnership in accession negotiations: stakeholders, structures, tasks, timetable”

Cooperation and Development Institute / Shtetiweb in collaboration with Friedrich Ebert Foundation organized today in Tirana the round table “Partnership in accession negotiations: stakeholders, structures, tasks, timetable” with the participation of representatives of civil society, business, academia and experts in the field of European integration. In this event were invited the Head of the Negotiating Team for the accession of the Republic of Serbia in the EU, Prof. Dr. Tanja Miščević and State Secretary for European Integration and Chief Negotiator of Montenegro, HE Aleksandar Andrija Pejovićto to share their experiences in the respective countries. MP Majlinda Bregu, Chair of the National Committee for European Integration was also part of this panel.

The two chief negotiators stressed the importance of a consensual strategic vision regarding the negotiations, of a guiding document for opening of negotiations and the key role that civil society should play as a bridge between the negotiating teams and structures and the citizens. Despite the two different models of involvement of civil society in the working structures, both emphasized the importance of understanding and supporting the accession process by the entire Albanian society. Prof. Dr. Miščević also stressed the importance of the involvement of local government units in the negotiation process, in order to facilitate the implementation of the following regional policies after the accession. Access to information was also evaluated to be a very important factor for all parties involved in the process, regardless of the model that negotiating structures in Albania will have.

Participants discussed the need for an inclusive process of negotiations and the importance of the preparatory phase for the institutions in it involved. They positively evaluated the exchange of concrete experiences also on specific chapters between interested parties, and committed to continue this collaboration with concrete actions.

After this round table, Cooperation and Development Institute in collaboration with National Youth Congress organized an open debate among students from Luarasi University and University of Tirana and the Secretary of State for European Integration and Chief Negotiator of Montenegro, HE Aleksandar Andrija Pejović on “Chapter 26: Education and Culture”. HE Pejović presented a complete overview of the negotiation process in Montenegro and also illustrated key moments related with Chapter 26, which is the chapter that directly affects youth. The debate with students focused on the contribution of youth organizations, the expected benefits to students from the opening of negotiations, and the obligations that will generate the accession process to our country.

Roundtable – “Youth in neglected regions – does youth on the country-side have a chance?”
November 2, 2016
Open Debate on “Chapter 26: Education and Culture”.
November 23, 2016