Cooperation and Development Institute in collaboration with Centre International de Formation Européenne (CIFE), Environnment Sciences Po, Association Bourgogne Balkans Express, with the support of the Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ/DFJW), organized in Dijon, France, the second workshop of the trilateral training “Ideas and Actions for Europe: Energy and Environment in the 21st Century”.
The workshop selected focus theme was “Green Cities”. The programme of the workshop was enriched by field visits at “Keolis Dijon Mobility (KDM)” which introduced the key issues in modern city transport and “ZeroWaste Dijon Programme”, one of the initiatives responsible for the recycling of the household waste in Dijon. In the framework of the program’s main topics, different presentations were held by Prof. Arnold Van der Valk (Wageningen University) seeking the best conceivable fit between uses of the environment and societal physical needs; Prof. Vera Danilina (Aix -Marseille School of Economics) discussed how to compile and establish environmental policies and the promotion of eco-labels; Frank Morawietz (OFAJ/DFJW) underlined the importance of a new Elysee Treaty between France and Germany as an example of cooperation and reconciliation of these two countries; Charlotte Halpern (Sciences Po) emphasized the scope of urban sustainable development and ecological modernization through nature preservation and enhancement of its existing resources and planning of parks, rivers, embankments etc.
The 24 participants continued their research on the three main topics established during the previous phase of Berlin (25 November-1 December 2017) focused on environment, energy and European dimension. The final workshop will be held in Tirana, Albania, from 28 May until 1 June 2018, where the main results of the joint paper will be presented at a special conference.
The agenda of the Dijon workshop can be consulted here.