This monitoring report aims to inform on the current progress of the Connectivity Agenda projects implemented in Albania in the context of the Berlin Process. Additionally, this report analyzes the advantages brought to the Albanian economy – through the opportunities provided for improving transport and energy connections with and between Western Balkan countries and Europe – as well as the problems accompanying this process.
The projects that Albania has benefited under the Connectivity Agenda are still in the early stages of development and, in general, there is little public information on their progress and impact on the country. Therefore, this monitoring report aims at increasing transparency, fostering debate and providing recommendations for improvement of monitoring during the implementation phase, and the utility of the projects in terms of increasing the added value of the local economy and improving the quality of life of Albanian citizens.
This report is published in the framework of the project “Preparing and Supporting Albania for the EU Accession Process – ALBE” , part of MATRA programme, and with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Tirana. ALBE is an innovative effort contributing to the development of a methodology focused on the impact of policies and measures in practice and factoring the regional dimension. This analysis is conducted within the institutional framework of the Berlin Process, launched in 2014 and which is symbolically closing its first cycle at the Berlin Summit in autumn 2021.
This study is an update of the previous monitoring report of the Connectivity Agenda, published in March 2020. Its publication coincides with the completion of the first cycle of the Berlin process marked by the return of the Western Balkans Summit in Berlin.
Click here to read the report in Albanian language.
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