Once set up or reformed, the Justice institutions of the six South-East European countries (SEE6) must function efficiently and produce qualitative and effective outputs without permanent external assistance. To be sustainable, new structures must be well governed. To be resilient, they should plan for the long term, taking into account the availability of local resources, and carrying out regular risk-management exercises. Good governance features of effectiveness, efficiency, transparency, accountability, predictability, sound financial management and integrity compliance must be embodied into their architecture and functioning mechanisms.
In the case of justice reform in Albania, good governance of new institutions implies designing organisational structures that are fit for purpose, and attributing the appropriate budgets, logistics and systems needed for the effective fulfilment of their mandates. It involves making sure that responsibilities and tasks are clearly assigned and that staff are motivated and have the competences required to carry out their duties with the highest degree of integrity and professionalism.
By applying an ‘appreciative inquiry’ approach, this policy study identifies and assesses features of Albania’s new structures and institutions that belong to the positive core of justice sector reform: vision, values, key competences, basic infrastructure, embedded knowledge, learning processes, organizational achievements, technical and financial assets and resources, positive macro trends, and strength of partners. In a constructive, yet critical way, this report aspires to embolden those (f)actors that drive justice sector reform in the SEE6 forward.
This policy study was prepared by Mr. Steven Blockmans, Director of Research, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Brussels and Mr. Ardian Hackaj, Director of Research, Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI), Tirana. It follows the previous study “EU ENLARGEMENT IN SEE6 AND COUNTRY REFORMS: THE JUSTICE REFORM IN ALBANIA AS A CASE STUDY”.
Click here to read the report in Albanian language.
*This policy study is prepared and published in the framework of the project “Preparing and Supporting Albania for the EU Accession Process – ALBE”, implemented by Cooperation and Development Institute (CDI) and supported by the Dutch Embassy in Tirana.
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