CDI’s visit to Hamburg: Insights into Port Innovation and Governance

© HHM / Hasenpusch Productions


On 20th of December 2023 CDI representatives visited Hamburg Port Authority (HPA) where after a thoughtful and inspiring presentation of the port IT system, they dived into and flew over it (even if in VR this time).
Privileged to meet Mr. Ulrich Baldauf, Head of R&D and Mr. Bernhard Zampolin, Director of External Affairs at HPA, and discuss about HPA unique port planning experience, TEN-T connectivity and cooperation scenarios for the upcoming ESPO conference in Paris in April 2024.
On 21st of December, CDI representatives met with Hamburg City Member of Parliament / Transport and Mobility Transition Commission, Mr. Ole Thorben Buschhüter, and discussed the role of local governance in infrastructure and development planning.
(from left to right) Mrs. Krisela Hackaj- CDI Executive Director, Mr.Mr. Ole Thorben Buschhüter-Hamburg City Member of Parliament / Transport and Mobility Transition Commission and Mr. Ardian Hackaj- CDI Research Director and Coordinator of Tirana Connectivity Forum

These meetings provided valuable information about maritime connectivity in MS and the contribution and challenges that IT and AI bring in port management, interconnectivity and resilience, as well as on the inter-relations between large infrastructure developments, connectivity and local government. Loads of best practice to bring back in Western Balkans.

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