Western Balkans’ path to EU integration: seizing opportunities and advancing reforms

At EESC Conference CDI urges action to address WB convergence efforts through future Cohesion Toolbox 
May 27, 2024
A Good Global Gateway Project
June 11, 2024

With the Reform and Growth Facility taking shape, the Western Balkans have a prime opportunity to seize the momentum and proactively enhance their participation in the European Single Market, significantly contribute to the EU’s economic and geopolitical security, and advance internal reforms to accelerate their path towards EU membership.

Aspects of the current EU-Western Balkans cooperation and future potential were discussed at the conference “Preparing for Enlargement: The EU and Western Balkans’ Contributions,” organized in Rome by Istituto Affari Internazionali and Osservatorio Balcani e Caucaso Transeuropa, with the support of the Italian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation.

Represented by Executive Director Krisela Hackaj, CDI highlighted the following key messages:

  • The Growth Plan must play a key role in reforming the EU Enlargement toolbox. To achieve its goals and lay a solid foundation for the future, the Growth and Reform Facility must incorporate good governance at every level and help the region align with and prepare for post-2027 EU policies, particularly focusing on the EU Cohesion policy. Effective multi-level governance is essential for ensuring sustainable development and integration.
  • CDI’s proposal “Accession before Membership,” aims to ensure that the Western Balkans achieve economic alignment with the EU while addressing socio-economic and territorial disparities. For the next Multiannual Financial Framework, solidarity should complement the conditionality introduced by the Growth Plan. Cohesion-like policy instruments and mechanisms are necessary to protect local economies and mitigate the imbalances caused by market openings.
  • The EU integration process should prioritize policies that reduce disparities and promote economic, social, and territorial cohesion. By doing so, the Western Balkans can better prepare for EU membership, ensuring that the benefits of integration are equitably distributed across the region.