EIRENE- European IntercultuRal Education towards a New Era of Understanding has been an 8- day training course (TC) under Key Action 1- Learning Mobility of Individuals within Erasmus + programme. The aim of the project was to establish a bridge that covered the gap through the promotion of cooperation as a behavioural model. In fact, it layed the basis for a domino effect among youth workers, youth leaders, youth advisors and project managers working in the field of youth and their respective youth.
The Log-book – developed by the participants during the Training Course – highlights the main concepts & methods used during the learning path of the participants: 1) Peace VS. Violence; 2) Non-Violent Communication; 3) The Role of Art; 4) the Reciprocal Maieutic Approach; 5) Media resources on the topic. It is the main concrete result the TC has produced.
On Gradual Integration: Bringing in WB6 peoples and territories
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