Albania has made the Connectivity Agenda and Economic Investment Plan, one of its priorities, with a special emphasis on the preparation and financing of concrete infrastructure investment projects with national and regional impact and in the same time focusing on the implementation of technical standards and reform measures (soft measures).The transport sector in Albania is being developed in line with the investment priorities of the Economic and Investment Plan. Albania is preparing the implementing plan (IP) according to the EIP flagships and has adopted the Guidelines for its implementation in November 2020.
This monitoring report aims to inform on the current progress of the Connectivity Agenda nd Economic and Investment Plan projects implemented in Albania in the context of the Berlin Process. The projects that Albania has benefited under the Connectivity Agenda are still in the early stages of development and, in general, there is little public information on their progress and impact in the country. Therefore, under ALBE Project we aim at increasing transparency, fostering debate, and providing recommendations for the improvement of monitoring during the implementation phase, and the utility of the projects in terms of increasing the added value to the local economy and improving the quality of life of Albanian citizens – through an innovative effort in contributing to the development of a methodology focused on the impact of policies and measures in practice and factoring the regional dimension.
This study is an update of the previous monitoring report of the Connectivity Agenda, published in March 2021. The methodology of the report is based on desk research, and it includes a comparative analysis on the costs and utility of the specific projects.
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