This Guide is intended to be an educational tool for youth organizations in Albania, so that they can rely on a simple instrument during their daily work illustrating how the EU integration process works in Albania and what are the main EU and other programmes where they can apply for funding. The Guide has been developed in cooperation with National Youth Congress (NYC) and aims to explain in simple words the EU negotiations process, the potential contribution that youth organizations can provide especially in relation to two specific negotiations chapters, and finally to provide a short description of the EU funding Instruments available for them.
This Guide serves to introduce NYC organizations with the basic information on the EU integration process, on two specific Chapters of negotiations of particular interest for the youth organizations, namely Chapter 19: Social policy and employment and Chapter 26: Education and Culture. The Guide also inquiries about the relevant Albanian involved institutions and the policy framework regulating both chapters. Finally, the Guide also provides information on the main EU funded and other initiatives where youth organizations may apply as per their field of interest and activities.
Tags: EU Integration, Employment, Youth
CEFTA Agreements: Institutions in charge of implementation
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