Preparing and Supporting Albania for EU Accession Process

Supporting Partner: Dutch Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Period: November 2018 – April 2021

 As Albania moves forward in its EU integration path, the process so far has underlined the need for the active engagement of all actors from different sectors. Institutional capacity during implementation, connectivity and regional cooperation have emerged as the cornerstones of such an endeavor.

The project ‘Preparing and Supporting Albania for EU Accession Process’ aims at bridging the knowledge and achievements reached so far in the framework the Berlin Process with the accession roadmap aiming at official opening of the negotiations with EU.

In practical terms, this initiative will support and empower the stakeholders to engage actively in the reforms needed to progress. Its outcomes should translate into more positive attitude, more informed, constructive and supportive Albanian society constructively involved in the success of reforms and of the accession negotiations.

During its duration, this project aims to:

  • build a pool of critical knowledge, collect best experiences and good-practice examples from front-runners in the EU accession process that have been created;
  • increase visibility and coverage of selected topics regarding the accession negotiations in the media and in the public debate;
  • create constructive pressure on institutions and policy-makers during the design and implementation of EU accession policies and measures; and
  • contribute to transparency and to a stronger public support for the engaged reforms (incl. negotiations).

Main activities will consist in the:

  • increase of the multi-level governance body of knowledge on the EU negotiations process, adapted to Albania by acquiring and promoting best practices from the front-runner countries in the region;
  • support of the accountability of the Government by monitoring and reporting on the commitments taken by Albanian government in the framework of Berlin process, and of June 2018 EU Council decision on engaged reforms;
  • establishment and promotion of a high-level platform for constructive debate, networking and advocacy at home and abroad during the pre and post opening phases of EU negotiations applicable to Albania and other WB6.