Vismar Municipality assisting Pogradec to deal with post-TAR Amalgamation challenge

Prespa National Park, Education and Sensibilisation Campaign
September 8, 2014
Public policy documents in a Repository in “ShtetiWeb”
September 23, 2014

On the 10th of September, in the premises of the Municipality of Pogradec, representatives of the Municipal Council and of the Executive Structure of Pogradec welcomed the representatives of Vismar Municipality, Mr. Senator Michael Berkhahn, Deputy Mayor, Mr. Andreas Nielsen, Head of Media department and the CDU representatives from Vismar Municipality Council Dr. Uwe Hoot and Mr. Frieder Weinholt. The goal of the meeting was the development of closer cooperation among the Municipalities of Vismar and of Pogradec.

Invited by Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Shtetiweb director presented the impact of the Territorial & Administrative Reform in the structure and operations of the new Municipalities and the challenges during the amalgamation phase. At the end of the meeting, the German delegation exprssed its will to assist the Municiality of Pogradec during the transition period and further.