ENEA – “ENergy Efficiency living lAb”

Supported by: Interreg IPA CBC Italy–Albania–Montenegro 2014/2020 Programme
Period: 1 July 2020 – 30 June 2021
Ce.F.A.S. – Centro di Formazione e Alta Specializzazione
ENEA Living Lab System will orchestrate a range of regional and cross-border activities for research providers, spin-offs, startups concerning Energy efficiency in buildings, foster linkages among them in order to increase their innovation capacity, market and investment readiness, as well as foster the deployment of the sector. This range of activities includes the provision of support services: innovation potential of research results audit, estimation of their readiness level, Capacity Building on Entrepreneurship & Commercialization, as well as development of exploitation roadmaps based on actual market needs. Also, the project includes the provision of matchmaking services during B2B meetings and “team-up” among research result providers and RTOs, investors and key industries as potential adopters of the new concepts.
The main objectives of this project are:
- To translate innovative and high-impact research results into commercialized products and enterprises that will support the delivery, implementation and optimization of building and district concepts that have the technical, economic and societal potential to drastically reduce energy consumption and decrease CO2 emissions, both in relation to new buildings and to the renovation of existing buildings;
- To facilitating knowledge sharing and joint initiatives between research institutions and private sector actors and thus trigger technology transfer and development around building technological innovations suitable to the Buildings.
B2B Meeting on “Commercial and regulatory aspects of photovoltaic for self-consumption in Albania”
B2B meeting on “New Developments in The Railway Sector: Embedding Energy Efficiency Actions
Workshop on “Energy Efficiency in Public Buildings: Focus on Port Developments”