Trilateral Youth Exchange Initiative “Ideas and Action for Europe: Energy and Environment in the 21st Century”

Trilateral Youth Exchange Initiative “Ideas and Action for Europe: Energy and Environment in the 21st Century”

Donor: Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ/DFJW)

Period: November 2017 – June 2018

Cooperation and Development Institute and its partners, Centre International de Formation Européenne (CIFE), Association Bourgogne Balkans Express, Environnment Sciences Po, with the support of the Franco-German Youth Office (OFAJ/DFJW) will organize ​as part of their youth programme a ​trilateral ​exchange ​programme ​entitled ​“Ideas and Action for Europe: Energy and Environment in the 21st Century”.

​The main aim of this initiative is to encourage youth exchange and dialogue in different topics, like Environment, Energy and European Integration. ​24 young participants (8 per country) from Albania, France and Germany will be selected for the three workshops of this programme, that will be organized:

  • 25 November – 01 December 2017 in Berlin, Germany
  • 25 February – 02 March 2018 in Dijon, France
  • 27 May – 02 June 2018 in Tirana, Albania

Field visits to institutions and relevant bodies in charge for policy making or visits to companies with activity in the sectors of the programme will enrich the theoretical approach and part of the programme. The youngsters will establish three working groups for each topic of their particular interest. They will carry out a research regarding the above mentioned issues. While in the final phase in Tirana, a joint paper, followed by a conference, will present the main findings and recommendations on the environment and energy policies seen from the perspective of the Albanian and EU legal framework.

An important part of the programme is constituted by the intercultural exchange and education, and the networking opportunities that will accompany the workshops duration.

The programme of the first workshop held in Berlin can be consulted here and the photos from its activities can be viewed here.

The programme of the second workshop held in Dijon can be consulted here and the photos from its activities can be viewed here.

The programme of the third workshop held in Tirana can be consulted here, the conference agenda can be consulted herethe photos from its activities can be viewed here and the video can be watched here.