Workforce analysis of water and sewage companies

Donor: Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and European Commission (EC)

Year: 2015

The Territorial and Administrative Reform – TAR (2015) directly affects the Water Companies in Albania. From around 300 units, the new division of territory brings their number down to 61, which corresponds to one company per new Municipality. In this context, the workforce analysis is important because of the impact of TAR, retention factor and mitigation policies, recruitment process as well as in view of the switch from a reactive to proactive approach.

The project aims to assess the human capital for the water sector as well as to provide a view of how the workforce will look after the consolidation in a new Municipality. The workforce composition analysis will cover all water companies at national level, and will aim to provide a comprehensive view of the number, skills, education, age, gender, work experience, geographical distribution, etc. of the water companies’ personnel. This will allow for an extensive understanding of the distribution of manpower per profile of the company and will provide the instruments for an efficient planning of the consolidation of water companies and of their impact in human resources.

The water company in Korca will be selected as a case study considering that it has the highest efficiency rates in the country. The case will have an in-depth analysis of the functions and number of personnel by department, in order to provide a comprehensive view for the scoping of the restructuring of the water sector in the national scale.

CDI will closely work and coordinate with Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure in Albania in the implementation of this project.