
CuriaWeb is the public forum of ShtetiWeb. It is hosted by ShtetiWeb and the themes it deals with are consistent with the topics and interests covered by ShtetiWeb.

The goal of CuriaWeb is to start a high level debate, to stimulate it, to support an all-compassing consultation process over a specific theme regarding the Albanian state institutions and public policies. CuriaWeb provides the consultation tools and takes into account the contribution of citizens and experts, and incorporates it in a single document for the use of the relevant institutions.

CuriaWeb aims to increase transparency of public debate through active involvement of citizens, experts, organizations – private or public – in the process of drafting, adoption, implementation, monitoring, evaluation of the actions of the state and public policies.

Through CuriaWeb public institutions will have an additional tool to get acknowledged with public opinion, and especially with expert opinion, on issues regarding public policies, legislation and other state-related attributes and actions.

At the end of each web-forum, CuriaWeb will produce a Green Paper, authored by selected experts of the thematic taking into account the input received by the contributors, and will publish it as well as distribute it to the interested state institutions.

The final result of the public consultation will be a better knowledge from the public opinion of a selected public action. This will take the form of a final document called “Green Paper” which will include opinions, suggestions, advice received by the public – being they citizens, companies, institutions, NGOs, or individual experts.

During the period April 2013 – January 2014, and with the support of Konrad Adenauer Foundation the following consultations and respective green-papers have been produced:

Pathways to a Common Economic Space Albania – Kosovo

Constitutional reform – a necessity of the time?

A total of 5,002 consultations of both forums was registered, with 3,024 consultations for the eForum on the Common Economic Space (CES) Albania – Kosovo and 1,978 consultations for the Constitutional Reform (CR) eForum.

In addition, CuriaWeb was used for consulting relevant experts for the Territorial and Administrative Reform (TAR) and the contribution of ShtetiWeb to this reform.

CuriaWeb in the Media

Economic space (SCAN TV)

Albania-Kosovo economy, an effort for improvement (Gazeta Dita)

Albania-Kosovo Economic Conference