Building an economic model for the provision of social services

Donor: World Bank to Albania

Duration: Jun. 2011 – Dec. 2011

This project aims to offer a modelised action platform to increase the capacities and / or the knowledge of the citizen on the role of active women and especially the Egyptian and Roma women. This model will use a target group selected in an Albanian company subcontracted by multinationals, where are employed 773 people, out of which 80% are women, and 223 of them are of Egyptian and Roma communities.

The platform will deal with the self-development and / or civic sensitivity for active women, and especially the sub-group of Roma and Egyptian women. The model will aim to free up useful time from the house chores so that active women can spend more time on self-development, family and children and community where they belong, with special focus to Egyptian community, and to support active women as a development vector to affect non-active women.

A very important component is the sensitivity of companies on the role of active women in the company success based on an economic analysis of the business, through the creation of the social services.
