Platform Revolution: shaping the future of work in the EU and Western Balkans

Platform Revolution: shaping the future of work in the EU and Western Balkans

Project duration:   1 November 2024 – 30 October 2025

Supported by:      Mercator Stiftung


Implemented by:

EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy – Czech Republic (Lead); CDI – Cooperation and Development Institute (Albania); CEP – European Policy Centre (Serbia);  ESE – Association for Emancipation, Solidarity and Equality of Women (North Macedonia);  IAInstitut Alternativa (Montenegro); IKKośiuszko Institute (Poland)SFPA Slovak Foreign Policy Association (Slovakia) and CEIDThe Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy (Hungary).


About the project:

The Project centres around the fast development of platform work in the Western Balkans and the EU. While the EU has taken some steps to regulate the upcoming economy through the Platform Work Directive, legislative action in the WB has been slow and fragmented.

The goal of the project is threefold. Firstly, it aims to map platform work in the WB and V4, providing a detailed description of its features, driving factors with benefits and challenges, and the current regulatory landscape. Secondly, the project seeks to build a network of organizations focused on sustainable platform work. Thirdly, the project will develop policy recommendations for the WB and the EU enlargement policy in the field of labour market post-accession risks (further fastening of migration and brain drain). To ensure sustainability, future EU enlargement should go beyond institutional and economic reforms to include social and labour market changes. Focusing on the V4 region allows for shared insights on mitigating labour market risks post-accession and addressing the challenges of migration and brain drain.
