Youth and Society

Prosperity and stability in Albania and in the Western Balkans can be achieved only by a joint focus on economic and social questions within the framework of a new policy approach based on social cohesion. A new social and economic model needs to be implemented in Albania. CDI believes that this social and economic model should promote progressive taxation and social protection programmes designed to reduce income and wealth inequalities. Fiscal transparency and open governance are the first steps towards building institutions that enable citizen participation in decision-making.

Furthermore, Education system reform is a necessary condition for productivity growth and shifting towards an increased added value economy. A proper education reform process must introduce an integrated education system based on Western European models.

Through the “Youth and Society” programme, CDI aims to strengthen the national and regional debate on pressing topics related to youth, migration, security and advocate for better living conditions for all citizens. Through research, activities and flagship initiatives CDI supports a more ambitious social reform agenda addressing social challenges in education, employment and healthcare. Our goal is to promote sustainable and responsible policy solutions through a constructive social dialogue.



Migration; Labour Market; Social Cohesion; Youth cooperation; Environment